Sunday 7 October 2007

Last but not least...

Last but not least in the series of our wedding pics is a picture of the throwing of the garther. Traditionally, the single man who catches the garther is ment be the next one to get married, in the same way as the single lassie who catches the bridal bouquet is the next lassie to get married. By then, Corinne, the girldfriend of Flo's brother François had already caught Flo's bridal bouquet, and at the throwing of the garther, François was well positioned to catch the garther - double luck for a wedding being in the air!! However, out of the blue, Max (one of our two pageboys; a boy just passed his 10th birthday) made a rugby-like plunge through the crowd of single men and caught the garther!!! Not sure whether he knows the meaning of catching the garther, but let's hope all the other chaps in the challenge, including Flo's brother François, won't have to wait until Max has the legal age to get married before they get married!!!

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