Sunday 7 October 2007

Last but not least...

Last but not least in the series of our wedding pics is a picture of the throwing of the garther. Traditionally, the single man who catches the garther is ment be the next one to get married, in the same way as the single lassie who catches the bridal bouquet is the next lassie to get married. By then, Corinne, the girldfriend of Flo's brother François had already caught Flo's bridal bouquet, and at the throwing of the garther, François was well positioned to catch the garther - double luck for a wedding being in the air!! However, out of the blue, Max (one of our two pageboys; a boy just passed his 10th birthday) made a rugby-like plunge through the crowd of single men and caught the garther!!! Not sure whether he knows the meaning of catching the garther, but let's hope all the other chaps in the challenge, including Flo's brother François, won't have to wait until Max has the legal age to get married before they get married!!!

More honeymoon pics

Just a few more South African adventures pics...

Our honeymoon

Hello from South Africa!! Our honeymoon was absolutely fabulous!! Doubtlessly the best part of it was the safari at Bongani Mountain Lodge!!! Highly recommended!! The safari at Ngala was quite different, but still awesome, and we also brought back fond memories of Cape Town, where we enjoyed pampering ourselves at a spa resort, seeing Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope (and being told all the answers to the mysteries of where "the two oceans meet". Unfortunatelly, we don't have any pics of this, but Alex did amazingly well at riding an ostrich in Oustehood (an absolutely incredible thing to watch, as ostriches are amongst the fastest beasts, but also the beasts with the smallest brains!!!) (unfortunately, Alex managed to fall off his pushbike two weeks after he was back in Aberdeen, so he now has big scratches on his arms, but I can guarantee you that it's not from riding an ostrich running at full speed). On the following day, we treated ourselves with a hot air balloon trip, which was really cool, but unfortunatelly there wasn't much wind, so we didn't get very far. But still a great experience!!

At last, pictures of the Fong family :o) Many thanks to Grace for having been such a wonderful bridesmaid!!!!!!!!

our international wedding favours and wedding cakes

Here are pics of our Scottish (that's Alex's homeland) and Luxembourgish (that's where Flo's from) wedding favours and wedding cakes, to give you a hint of the international aspects of our wedding. We can't wait to see pics of little Joshua Fong eating the Luxembourgish wedding cake which, by the way, is called a Tree Cake, because it's made of numerous thin layers of dough baked onto a cylinder, so when you cut cross-sections of it, they look like slices of a tree trunk with numerous year-rings. Unfortunatelly, Scottish posties are on strike, so we will have to be a wee bit patient till the CD with the Fong family pictures arrives.

Wedding pictures III: pics of Flo's workmates and cousins

Wedding pictures II

Well, and here are more pictures of our wedding. Many thanks to all our guests who took the fantastic pictures. To see our whole wedding picture gallery, please have a look at our flickr site Please let us know if you have pictures of our wedding that you wish to share with us. Cheers! Flo & Alec

More wedding ceilidh pictures....


Ceilidh?! Yes, for those of you who also check the Fong family blog, you have already learned a lot about ceilidhs and about how much fun they are ;o)
For those of you who don't know yet what a ceilidh is... it's a Scottish tradition for weddings and special events... The people dance on the music of a live ceilidh band (accordeonists and fiddlers,...), and get instructions on how to dance from the "caller". Lots of fun, and it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, or if your dancing is crap. Actually, the more mistakes you make, the more fun it gets, and the more likely the caller comes up with jokes about you and your party.
Anyway... Here are some pics of our wedding ceilidh. Many thanks to our wedding guest Mr. Asselborn who took the pictures.

Tuesday 21 August 2007

More wedding pics I

Here is a first batch of pictures from our wedding - provided by Flo's work colleague Lawrence at Aquapharm Bio-Discovery. More pictures to come...

Our wedding

Hi everyone! It's hard to believe that it's two month since my last posting on the blog... but at the same time it's not too much of a surprise, as in the meantime I've started a new job, and Alex and me got married :o)
We hope all our guests had a great time at the wedding, and a safe trip back home. Many thanks to everybody for coming, and particular thanks to our Minister, Stephen Taylor, our bride's maid and best man Grace Fong-Lim and Stuart Brodie, our flowergirls and pageboys Clemence, Alice, Antoine and Max, our ushers Francois, Graeme, and Douglas, and our readers at the church, Steve Cromer, Corinne Schuh, Grace & Stuart.
Flo & Alex, or Mrs. and Mr. Gunn

Monday 25 June 2007

Getting started...

Hi! This is the blog of Flo, but also hopefully telling you a wee bit about my fiancé Alex, and our life together...
I have admired the blog of my friend Grace and her family (the Fong Family blog) for a long time, and finally starting a blog myself... With my new job, a wedding coming up, etc. etc., I have lots of things to tell, but unfortunatelly also very little time to write the blog... So fingers crossed that you will actually get a chance to read about all my adventures, and Alex's...
Bye bye for now